A Stratus Consulting case study
Summary of needs
- A key business unit needed to identify the people capability required to execute their strategy and they needed a “grow their own approach” to ensure they had the capability in place
- They needed to identify the technical competencies their employees needed, the competency requirements of each role, the career pathways for their people to progress internally and they needed development guides to assist people to develop the competence to progress in the organisation
Stratus Consulting’s approach
- A strategic challenges workshop was held with each Business Unit to identify the challenges faced as a result of the new strategy and the competencies required
- Role profiling workshops were held with key role holders to identify the purpose of each role, development roles for each position, experience/ skills required to enter the role and experience, skills gained and likely next steps possible internally as well as the level of proficiency required for the key competencies
- Career pathways were created and documented for internal use
- Development guides were created with key roleholders to identify options for developing each of the competencies
The results
- A robust technical competency framework that met business strategy requirements was created with high buy in from the business
- Employees were assessed against the new profiles as part of their talent review and development planning process and aligned individual development plans were created
- Improved transparency of their role requirements and how they could progress for employees and a supportive system in place to ensure it happened