Competency Modelling

Competencies are behaviours that encompass the knowledge, skills, and attributes required for successful performance. Competency modelling determines the specific competencies that are characteristic of high performance and success in a given job.

Competencies enable employees to achieve results, thereby creating value.

It follows that competencies aligned with business objectives help foster an organisation’s success. Understanding core competency needs – the skills, knowledge behaviours, and abilities that are necessary for people in key roles to deliver business results is critical to ensuring you have the right capability in place for the execution of your strategy and vision and that development is aligned to capability needs.

Stratus Consulting can model your business competencies in one of two ways. We either use well known research-based competency models as a starting point and/or facilitate a process with your organisation to describe the strategic challenges and capability requirements for the future and then decide which competencies are required to meet your unique circumstances.

Some of the well-known models we work with are:

  • Lominger – Leadership Architect
  • The Personnel Decisions International management and leadership suite
  • The DDI competency suite